Eligible Violations for Arizona Defensive Driving Course [Infographic]
Eligible Violations for Arizona Defensive Driving Course
In Arizona, defensive driving courses can be taken either online or in a classroom for drivers — both in-state and out-of-state — who commit an Arizona traffic violation. Successful completion of a defensive driving course can be used to:
Avoid an insurance rate increase
Avoid additional points on a driving record
Dismiss a traffic ticket
Traffic violations that are eligible for dismissal through a defensive driving course, include (but are not limited to):
Red light violations
Driving over the speed limit/failing to control speed
School zone violations
Stop sign violations
Railroad crossing violations
However, drivers are only eligible to have a traffic ticket dismissed if:
They are only dismissing a single violation
The car accident did not result in someone's serious injury or death
This is the first time within the past 12 months that the course is used to dismiss an Arizona traffic ticket
The course will be completed at least one week prior to a scheduled court date
The driver is not a commercial driver's license (CDL) holder
Talk to an Arizona traffic lawyer if you have questions regarding your eligibility to take an Arizona defensive driving course for civil or criminal violations.