Penalties for a DUI with a CDL [Infographic]
Penalties for a DUI with a CDL
Commercial drivers are held to a higher standard than ordinary drivers in Arizona, and the serious penalties for a DUI with a commercial driver's license (CDL) reflect this fact.
Commercial drivers are also held to a higher standard insofar as the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit when driving a commercial vehicle in Arizona is 0.04%, compared to the 0.08% BAC legal limit for regular drivers.
However, if a commercial driver is charged with a DUI while driving a personal vehicle, the regular 0.08% standard is used.
Regardless of whether the DUI occurs in the driver's commercial or personal vehicle, the following penalties will still apply:
A one-year suspension of the CDL for a first DUI offense
A lifetime CDL suspension for a second DUI offense
Even if a first DUI offense occurred prior to the driver receiving a CDL, a second offense as a commercial driver will still lead to a lifetime CDL suspension
A CDL driver's normal license will also be suspended for a period ranging from 30 to 90 days for a first offense
In addition to these serious penalties, a driver may also face the following consequences:
The possibility of jail time, probation and extensive fines
Mandatory counseling for alcohol use
Mandatory use of an ignition interlock device (IID)
It should also be noted that a DUI received while operating a commercial vehicle will lead to more severe fines and penalties than an ordinary DUI charge since it is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor.
These DUI penalties apply to Class A, B and C commercial drivers, and a single DUI conviction is capable of ending or negatively impacting the trajectory of any commercial driver's career.
If you have a CDL and have been charged with a DUI, contact the Arizona CDL attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm immediately to help fight your case.