Phoenix based firm, Tyler Allen Law Firm answers your typical DUI Questions in Arizona. If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Arizona, you need a lawyer that can provide you the best defense. Contact Tyler Allen Law Firm today.
Read MorePhoenix attorneys, the Tyler Allen Law Firm, explain what aggravating and mitigating factors are in relation to Arizona law in this comprehensive blog post. At Tyler Allen Law Firm, our team will present evidence carefully that shows you deserve a more lenient sentence based on mitigating factors if you choose to accept a guilty plea or are convicted.
Read MoreArizona attorneys from the Tyler Allen Law Firm in Phoenix give examples of criminal traffic violations in this informative blog post including an infographic. If you’ve been charged with a criminal traffic violation in Arizona, contact the experienced Traffic Attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm today for the best possible defense.
Read MoreTyler Allen Law Firm in Phoenix, AZ explains how sexual harassment investigations should be conducted using an info graphic. Contact Tyler Allen Law Firm when you need a trusted third-party sexual harassment investigator.
Read MoreTyler Allen Law Firm tells you what to do if you are a victim of sexual harassment and how they can help. Contact Tyler Allen Law Firm, PLLC if you have been sexually harassed in the workplace so that we can properly advise you and protect you from workplace misconduct.
Read MoreTyler Allen Law Firm in Phoenix, AZ informs you of what steps to take if you have been discriminated against in the workplace. Federal and Arizona law give workplace discrimination limited time to file a claim, so the time to act is now.
Read MorePhoenix based firm, Tyler Allen Law Firm shares the benefits of hiring a neutral investigator if you are experiencing sexual harassment and or discrimination in the workplace. Tyler Allen Law Firm, PLLC is an Arizona third-party investigator and employment lawyer that makes sure the investigation is conducted impartially and fairly.
Read MoreWhenever an employee makes a complaint alleging that discrimination has occurred, employers ought to treat the claim seriously. Phoenix attorneys, the Tyler Allen Law Firm, explain how a discrimination investigation should be conducted.
Read MoreIt’s always fun to travel to different places in the US, especially to New York, but don’t forget that drunk driving laws follow you. Tyler Allen Law Firm will tell you what Arizona drivers should know before traveling to NY and what to do if you get a DWI.
Read MoreIt is a generally understood principle of law that driving under the influence (DUI) is an unlawful act that carries significant legal consequences for defendants if convicted. Tyler Allen law firm in Phoenix Arizona represents clients charged with DUI and practices criminal defense law as well as other areas of law.
Read MoreIn simplest terms, exoneration means freedom for those who were falsely accused, arrested and ultimately imprisoned. Tyler Allen law firm in Phoenix Arizona practices criminal defense law as well as other areas of law.
Read MoreWhen people discuss stealing or the taking of personal property, terms like "robbery", "burglary" and "theft" are often thrown around interchangeably.If you are facing burglary or theft charges in Phoenix, Arizona, get the help from experienced criminal defense attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm.
Read MoreIf you are facing burglary or theft charges in Phoenix, Arizona, get the help from experienced criminal defense attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm. The concept of entrapment broadly states that Arizona law enforcement cannot induce a defendant to commit a crime that would not have been committed without law enforcement presenting the opportunity to do so.
Read MoreLike most states, Arizona criminal law classifies misdemeanors based on the severity of the offense. If you are facing misdemeanor charges in Phoenix, Arizona, get the help from experienced criminal defense attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm.
Read MoreAs a general rule, employees who are salaried or compensated by fee basis and who earn no less than $455 per week will be exempt from federal minimum wage and overtime law if the employee regularly performs certain duties. For more information concerning Arizona or federal law on exempt employee rights, contact Tyler Allen Law Firm to discuss your AZ employment law questions and concerns.
Read MoreThe legal system views a parole hearing as an act of mercy and grace on the part of the court, meaning that there is no certainty that a defendant can receive a parole hearing. Contact Tyler Allen Law Firm for a legal consultation to discuss how one of our criminal defense attorneys can help you work within the Arizona criminal defense system to obtain a chance at parole.
Read MoreIf you’ve been issues a criminal traffic ticket in Arizona, contact a criminal traffic ticket attorney at Tyler Allen Law Firm today to find out what your options are. If you’ve been issues a criminal traffic ticket in Arizona, contact a criminal traffic ticket attorney at Tyler Allen Law Firm today to find out what your options are.
Read Moreit is possible to get rid of a DUI record after a DUI conviction. It is important for anyone convicted of a DUI to pursue this legal remedy allowed in Arizona since a DUI record has lasting ramifications. Contact Tyler Allen Law firm in Phoenix Arizona to discuss your DUI conviction.
Read MoreIn Arizona, all crimes are either given the classification of a felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are less serious offenses than felonies, which are reserved for the most serious offenses like DUI, murder and similarly harmful actions. Tyler Allen law located in Phoenix, Arizona represents clients charged with misdemeanor and felony offenses.
Read MoreThe doctrine of attorney-client privilege serves as a critical safeguard for keeping a client's communications to a lawyer secret. If a legal demand is made for such communications during discovery or a request is made for the lawyer to testify under oath, attorney-client privilege protects what a client discussed with a lawyer in private. Learn more by reading Phoenix attorney Tyler Allen Law Firm’s blog.
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